Other Policies
These are Board Policies referenced in the 2023 - 2024 NMS Student Handbook and in some areas of the website. Copies of these policies can be made available at the Northley Main Office upon request or can be found online in the school board policy manual.
- Attendance – No. 204
- Weapons – No. 218.1
- Student Discipline – No. 218
- Tobacco/Nicotine - No. 222
- Searches – No. 226
- Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia – No. 227
- Bullying/Cyber-Bullying – No. 249
- Acceptable Use of Internet, Electronic Mail and Network Resources – No. 815
- Volunteers – No. 916
- Bathroom Conduct
- Bathroom procedures
- Bullying/Cyber-Bullying
- Bus Conduct
- Cafeteria Conduct
- Cell phones and other technological devices
- Controlled substances/paraphernalia
- Dress Code
- Internet, electronic mail, and network resources acceptable use policy
- Lockers
- Lockers
- Physical Education Dress Requirements
- Weapons
Bathroom Conduct
Bathroom procedures
Class Procedures
- One student at a time leaves the classroom.
- Students must have an assignment book.
- If one student is at the nurse, office, or bathroom, the next student must wait until he or she returns.
- Bathrooms in the 6th grade hallway and 8th grade hallway are for students in class.
Bathroom Procedures
- Place assignment book on table outside bathroom.
- Write your NAME, GRADE, CLASS/TEACHER, TIME IN on the “NMS Bathroom Sign-In Sheet” located on the desk
- FOUR students at a time inside the bathroom.
- Art cycle classes (Art, Technology, Chorus, Band, General Music) must use the upstairs bathroom in the 6th grade hallway.
- Students in core classes will use the 6th grade bathroom or 7th/8th grade bathroom.
- Students using the bathroom at lunch will use the 6th grade hall bathroom.
- Use the facilities in 1-2 minutes, wash and dry your hands and exit the bathroom.
- Report any issues to the teacher seated outside the bathroom.
- Line up against the lockers, in a straight line, waiting for the bathroom. No more than 3 students at a time. Send additional students back to class.
- Take your assignment book from the table upon exiting.
Northley Middle School is committed to providing the students with a safe and positive learning experience where students act in a respectful, responsible, and safe manner. Northley understands that bullying creates an atmosphere for fear and intimidation, which distracts from the safe learning environment that is necessary at school. Northley will follow the Bullying/Cyber-Bullying policy that has been adopted by the School Board.
Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, non-verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student, or students, which occurs in a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive and where the student is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one of more students. Bullying is further defined as intentional harming of another person where the bully has more power than the victim.
Bullying has the effect of doing any of the following:
- Substantial interference with a student’s education.
- Creation of a threatening environment.
- Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying, as defined in this policy, includes cyber-bullying. Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student or staff member by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including blogs) which has the effect of:
- Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm;
- Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or
- Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities.
School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, walking to or from school, or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school.
Northley will follow the Bullying/Cyber-Bullying policy that has been adopted by the School Board. For further information please refer to the Board Policy “Bullying/Cyber-Bullying” in the Appendix, No. 249.
Bus Conduct
The students of Northley that ride the bus are expected to follow the “Viking Vision.” Bus transportation to and from school is a privilege and is provided for students who live beyond one and one half miles from the school. When riding on the bus, students are expected to behave, and follow the “Viking Vision” as well as the rules set by the bus driver.
- Seating assignments can only be changed by the bus driver or Administration.
- All students are expected to be courteous and respectful to the driver.
- Food and drinks are not permitted on the buses.
All students must follow the rules of behavior, as determined by the District Transportation Department, or risk losing bus riding privileges.
- When a student is referred to an administrator by a bus driver for unruly conduct, disciplinary action will be taken. Students are asked to make the driver aware of any problem involving another student so action can be taken.
- Disciplinary action for any violation of school rules or inappropriate behavior on the bus or at the bus stop may result in loss of bus riding privileges and/or further disciplinary action.
- During the period of suspension of bus privileges, the student must attend school unless he/she has a valid excused absence. It will become the responsibility of the parent to arrange for alternate transportation for the student. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than their assigned bus without prior approval of the Transportation Department and written communication to the school.
- Vandalizing and smoking on the bus is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action by the administration of the school.
School bus transportation is a privilege, which can and will be withdrawn temporarily or permanently when it is abused.
Cafeteria Conduct
Students are expected to follow the expectations for the cafeteria. Students may be assigned to a table at the discretion of faculty and/or administration. Students are expected to be well-behaved in the cafeteria and to maintain cleanliness in their area. Students must go directly to the cafeteria after going to their lockers. All students are required to eat in the cafeteria at lunch.
- No one is permitted elsewhere in the building without the permission of a teacher or an administrator.
- No food or drinks are allowed anywhere in the building except in the cafeteria.
- Students are not permitted to bring glass containers in their lunches.
- Refillable water bottles, containing water only, may be brought to school.
Failure to abide by cafeteria regulations may result in further disciplinary action (i.e. detention, suspension, etc.). Repeated or excessive abuse of cafeteria regulations will result in suspension of cafeteria privileges. Students who lose cafeteria privileges will be required to eat alone for a designated period of time.
- Enter the cafeteria & walk to your table.
- You must sit in your seat until you are called up to purchase your lunch or snack.
- Stay in your aisle and walk straight up to purchase your lunch (do not weave through other tables.)
- Trash cans will be brought to you; stay in your seat.
- If you need to use the restroom, fill out your assignment book, raise your hand, and staff will come to you. You will need to use the restroom in the 6th grade hallway.
- Chromebooks may be used during lunch.
- When staff does the 3 claps, you respond by clapping three times. The clap signals ZERO NOISE. You are quiet and are to listen to staff instructions.
- Students will be dismissed by staff, one row at a time, per staff member. Students are to follow staff directives.
- One staff member will be posted at the back door to monitor bathroom visits if there are not enough staff to cover.
- Expectations for monitoring include: calling students up by table/row to purchase lunch, pushing trash cans around, reminders to stay seated, and follow cafeteria expectations.
- Clap three times to gain student attention. Keep clapping until ZERO NOISE is achieved. Once ZERO NOISE is achieved, begin giving instructions for dismissal.
- Instruct students to close chrome books and begin packing cinch sacs.
- Students will be dismissed by rows. Ex: First Row: Instruct students to walk straight up their aisle, along the wall and dismiss out the back door.
Cell phones and other technological devices
Parents and students must be aware that they are responsible for the security of technological devices. The school will not be responsible for loss or theft. Personal technological devices must be off and secure and out of sight during the school day beginning at 8:05am.
Cell phones are not permitted in the classrooms at Northley Middle School. Students must place their cell phones and electronic devices in lockers prior to entering homeroom. If a student has a cell phone out during the school day it will be a technology violation.
- The first offense will be confiscation of cell phone returned to student in office at end of school day and classroom detention.
- The second offense and additional offenses will be confiscation of cell phone, sign out and returned to parent/guardian, and after school detention.
- Failure to turn over cell phone to an administrator will result in further disciplinary action according to the code of conduct.
Controlled substances/paraphernalia
The Penn-Delco School District as well as the administration and staff at Northley Middle School recognize that abusing controlled substances is a serious problem with legal, physical, and social implications. As defined by the School Board, controlled substances shall include, but are not limited to the following:
- any controlled substances prohibited by federal and state law
- look-alike drugs
- alcoholic beverages
- anabolic steroids
- drug paraphernalia
- volatile solvents or inhalants
- prescription or patent drugs
For further information please refer to the Board Policy “Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia” in the Appendix, No. 227.
Dress Code
The Penn-Delco School District believes that students should be well groomed and neatly attired at school and at school functions. The PDSD School Board (No. 221) strongly believes that a dress code will help to:
- Establish and maintain a more positive atmosphere conducive to education.
- Instill student discipline.
- Eliminate peer pressure dealing with student attire.
The School Board policy will be implemented throughout the school year. If a student’s dress is deemed distracting, disruptive, disrespectful, revealing, or unsafe, appropriate discipline will follow. Discipline for Dress Code violations will be progressive and will require parents to bring a change of clothing if necessary.
Jackets and Coats
- Students are not permitted to wear outer jackets and coats in school. All students should leave their outer coats in their lockers upon arrival.
Headwear (hats, scarves, bandannas, etc.)
- All hats, scarves, bandannas, etc. are to be removed upon entering the building and left in lockers during the school day.
Hooded Sweatshirts
- Students are not permitted to have their hoods up during the school day.
- Footwear must have backs. Students are not permitted to wear flip-flops, slides, or slippers.
Apparel, Jewelry, Grooming may not be distracting, disruptive, disrespectful, revealing, or unsafe.
- Clothing that espouses violence, hatred, prejudice, depicts alcohol or drugs, or is found to be offensive such that it creates the risk of disruption is prohibited.
- For example, chained wallets and spiked jewelry are not permitted.
Students are not permitted to wear extreme fashions (bare midriffs, halter tops, tube tops, tank tops, short-shorts, etc.) Undue attention to an individual’s dress which detracts from the seriousness of the instructional process must be avoided.
- Students must wear shirts that cover their shoulders and midriffs. (Shoulder straps must be a minimum of three fingers wide).
- Students are not permitted to wear shirts that expose cleavage.
- Short-shorts or short-skirts are NOT permitted. A good rule of thumb is that shorts and skirts should extend at least 3-4 inches from the inseam.
- Pajamas are NOT permitted.
- Clothing with rips, holes, tears, etc. are NOT permitted.
- Students’ pants must be worn at or above the waist. Excessive baggy-style pants that expose areas below the waist are not permitted.
Internet, electronic mail, and network resources acceptable use policy
Internet access and network resources are available to all Northley students for educational purposes. The use of the internet and network is a privilege. Students are expected to follow the guidelines explained in the School Board Policy No. 815 for acceptable use of the computers and internet. For further information, please refer to the “Acceptable Use” policy in the Appendix. Addtionally, parents/guardians may elect to enroll in an insurance plan to cover the school issued Chromebook. More information can be found on our the Technology site.
Each student shall be assigned a hall locker equipped with a built-in combination lock. Students should not give their combination to other students or share lockers with other students. Lockers are provided for student use only, and inspections will be made periodically to check on the condition of the locker.
Students are responsible for keeping their lockers neat and in good condition during the school year. After using the lockers, students must completely lock their lockers and not leave them open or “preset.” While there are no guarantees against property theft, locked lockers can prevent students’ personal belongings, textbooks, etc. from being stolen.
If the lockers are broken or stuck, students are to ask their homeroom teacher or go to the office for a locker slip and the locker will be repaired. Students are not permitted to put an additional lock or locks on the hall lockers because they will be promptly removed by the custodial staff. The students that are assigned gym lockers will be provided with locks.
The lockers are the property of the Penn Delco School District. Students will therefore have only a limited expectation of privacy in their lockers. Students may not use their locker as a depository for substances or for prohibited objects. If given reasonable suspicion, the student’s locker can be searched. For further information about locker searches, please refer to the Appendix to the School Board policy, “Searches” Policy, No. 226.
Each student shall be assigned a hall locker equipped with a built-in combination lock. Students should not give their combination to other students or share lockers with other students. Lockers are provided for student use only, and inspections will be made periodically to check on the condition of the locker. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers neat and in good condition during the school year. After using the lockers, students must completely lock their lockers and not leave them open or “preset.” While there are no guarantees against property theft, locked lockers can prevent students’ personal belongings, textbooks, etc. from being stolen.
If the lockers are broken or stuck students are to ask their homeroom teacher or go to the office for a locker slip and the locker will be repaired. Students are not permitted to put an additional lock or locks on the hall lockers because they will be promptly removed by the custodial staff. The students that are assigned gym lockers will be provided with locks.
The lockers are the property of the Penn Delco School District. Students will therefore have only limited expectation of privacy in their lockers. Students may not use their locker as a depository for substances or for prohibited objects. If given reasonable suspicion, the student’s locker can be searched. For further information about locker searches, please refer to the School Board policy, “Searches” No. 226.
Physical Education Dress Requirements
- Shorts, any color, with an elastic waistband and drawstring. Jean type shorts with belt loops are not permitted.
- Plain blue, gold, white, or Northley pride T-shirts are permitted.
- Athletic sneakers and socks must be worn. Social sneakers, i.e. platforms, canvas sneakers, open-backed or roller skate sneakers are not permitted.
- Bathing suits should be one piece for the girls.
The Penn Delco School Board and Northley Middle School recognize the importance of a safe school environment. Possession of a weapon in school threatens the safety of the students and staff and is prohibited by law. Weapons include, but are not limited to, the following: a knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchuck, stick, brass or metal knuckles, firearm, shotgun, rifle, ammunition, poisons, chemical agent, slingshot, pellet gun, explosive device, and any other tool capable of inflicting bodily injury, or causing harm, intimidation, or harassment. Weapons also include look-alike or replica weapons which are operable or inoperable. For further information, please refer to the School Board policy, “Weapons,” No. 218.1