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Disciplinary Offenses Defined

Offenses and Consequences

The following offenses will lead to disciplinary action, which may include a student’s exclusion from school by suspension or expulsion. Note: The following is not an all- inclusive list and students who violate school or district rules or policies will receive disciplinary action.

Code of Conduct 2023 - 2024

Level I Offenses

The following classroom misconduct offenses will result in the selection of a teacher consequence.



1. Failure to complete assignment after teacher’s prompting

2. Physically boisterous behavior, including horseplay

3. Disturbing the learning environment

4. Failure to follow the directions of a teacher or authorized staff member (minor)

5. Lateness to class or activity by less than 5 minutes

6. Public displays of affection

7. Profanity or other abusive language which is not directed at an administrator, teacher, staff member, or student

8. Having food or drinks other than water in the classroom.

9. First cell phone violation

10. Defiance/Insubordination/Non-Compliance

1. Classroom or team lunch detention

2. Classroom or team morning detention; 7:30 to 8:05 AM

3. Classroom or team after school detention; 3:00 to 3:45 PM (late bus provided)

4. Confiscation of cell phone returned to student in office at end of school day.

5. Verbal Reprimand

6. Parent contact &/or Conference

7. Time Out & Student Reflection

8. Restorative Meeting

9. Restriction of Privileges

10. Reteaching Expectations

11. Planned Ignoring

12. Student Suggested Intervention

13. StudentBehaviorContract

Level II Offenses

The following classroom misconduct or school-wide offenses will result in a selection of the following consequences.



1. Failure to correct Level I offense that has been addressed by a classroom teacher or authorized staff member

2. Failure to sign in at the designated attendance office when arriving late to school

3. Causing a disturbance in the hallway, lobby, lavatory, or other common area

4. Unauthorized riding of the elevator or failure to return elevator key to front office

5. Unauthorized use of technology, whether school-owned or personal (exceptions allowed by Section 1371.1 of the School Code)

6. Violation of Cafeteria Expectations (failure to clean table, leaving before dismissed, throwing food, etc.)

7. Failure to sit and remain at assigned table in the cafeteria

8. Out of Bounds – loitering in bathrooms, hallways, lobbies, or other areas during a time period where student is assigned a class

9. Failure to serve a detention assigned from a Level I offense

10. First offense of a dress code violation

11. First offense of misbehavior for a substitute teacher

12. Misbehavior on District transportation

13. Profanity or other abusive language which is directed at a student

14. Cell phone violation (more than one offense)

15. Purposeful damage to school issued Chromebook

1. Classroom or team detentions

2. After school office detention from 3:00 to 3:45 PM (Late Bus provided)

3. Extended after school office detention from 3:00 to 4:30 PM (No Late Bus available)

4. Office lunch detention

5. Student relocated to main office

6. Reassignment of cafeteria seat

7. Removal from cafeteria

8. Confiscation of cell phone and returned to parent/guardian in office

9. Loss of Bus privilege

10. Parent Contact/conference

11. Time Out & Student Reflection

12. Restorative Meeting

13. Restriction of Privileges

14. Change of Attire

15. Reteaching Expectation

16. Clean up and/or restore area

17. Loss of bus privilege, Bus seat assignment

Level III Offenses

The following classroom misconduct or school-wide offenses will result in a selection of the following consequences.



1. Commission or repetition of repeated Level I or Level II offense that has been addressed by a classroom teacher or authorized staff member

2. Disrespect or Direct refusal to follow the direction of a teacher or staff member (major)

3. Vandalism causing damage that can be repaired for $100 or less

4. Forging signatures on any school document

5. Making obscene or threatening gestures

6. Destruction of a person’s property or violating a person’s right to privacy

7. Failure to serve an extended detention

8. Gambling (participating in any game or activity involving chance and the payment of money)

9. Violation of the District Acceptable Use Policy

10. Harassment/Bullying, not including religious/racial/gender identity/sexual

harassment, or threats of harm

11. Violation of academic honesty guidelines

12. Unauthorized use of school communication systems

13. Inappropriate Physical Contact

14. Violation of Right to Privacy

15. Instigating/Escalating Conflict

16. Physical/Verbal &/or Written Intimidation

17. Posting pictures/videos to social media during/from the school day

1. Saturday detention(s): 8:30-11:30

2. Re-training of behavior expectations

3. Loss of extracurricular privilege

4. Repayment for damage

5. Grade of 0%

6. Confiscation of cell phone and returned to parent/guardian in office

7. Restorative Meeting

8. Formal Parent Conference

9. Restriction of Privileges

10. Referral to Outside Agency

11. Exclusion from Field Trips

12. Threat Assessment

Level IV Offenses

The following classroom misconduct or school-wide offenses will result in a selection of the following consequences.



1. Commission or repetition of repeated Level I, II, or III offense that has been addressed by a classroom teacher or authorized staff member

2. Aggressive Physical Contact (Fighting, Fake/Play Fighting, Pushing, Shoving, Slapping, Punching, etc.) that requires teacher/staff intervention

3. Verbal altercation that requires teacher/staff intervention

4. Harassment/Bullying including religious/racial/gender identity/sexual harassment, or threats of harm

5. Leaving the school building or grounds without permission

6. Possession, use, or distribution of any tobacco product, lighter, matches, or e-

cigarette product

7. Theft or possession of stolen property

8. Possession, distribution, or exhibition of sexually provocative materials

9. Lewd behavior (exposure, mooning, or depantsing)

10. Extortion (obtaining or attempting to obtain something of value by force or intimidation

11. Failure to serve a Level III consequence

12. Disrespect or Direct refusal to follow the direction of an administrator

13. Profanity or other abusive language directed at an administrator, teacher, or staff

member (Including transportation, event, maintenance, and cafeteria staff)

14. Possession or use of a weapon

15. Setting off a fire alarm, making a false 9-1-1 call, a bomb threat, or a similar terroristic threat

16. Threatening, striking or assaulting a teacher, administrator, or staff member

17. Vandalism causing damage in excess of $100

18. Possession or detonation of fireworks, smoke bombs, stink bombs, and similar


19. Arson or attempted arson

20. Possession, use, distribution, or solicitation to use drugs, drug paraphernalia, or


21. Criminal Behavior

22. Failure to cooperate with a search

23. Threats of Harm (separate from #4 current) via social media that involves

pictures/posts regarding alcohol, drugs, weapons, violence

24. Threat to school or students

1. Suspensions of one to ten days in length

2. Removal from extracurricular or school related events, activity, privileges

3. Expulsion by the Board of Directors

4. Involvement of local law enforcement

5. Repayment for damage

6. Restorative Meeting

7. Reinstatement Meeting following Suspension

8. Referral to Outside Agency

9. Alternative Placement

10. Exclusion from Field Trips

11. Police Involvement

12. Threat Assessment